Usui/Holy Fire Reiki:
Usui Reiki is a hands on healing technique that assists us in reconnecting with our Divine selves and helps us Channel the Reiki energy ( a Spiritual Concious wisdom combined with our own life force power and energy) Reiki is a healing technique in which the practitioner channels energy into a client (to clear chakras/unblock chakras/promote flow of energy/healing) It is a lovely
energetic support in all the different seasons of our lives. It has the ability to help clear energetic blocks and opens, cleanses and balances our Chakra system, which is an internal energy system that keeps "our human engine running smooth". Reiki can assists us in seeing the truth and clarity in situations, relationships, our loved ones & ourselves. It can help us feel whole again....magic can occur once we surrender and allow our Authentic selves to come thru.
Holy Fire Reiki:
Holy Fire Reiki is a beaufitul HIGHER FREQUENCY level of Reiki that compliments USUI Reiki. It was gifted as a remembrance to humanity from the Brothers & Sisters of the Light, a loving group of Formless enlightened beings who were once Ascended masters living here on earth and came to give us Holy Fire Reiki here to assist humans at this time.
Next Class: contact me to set one up
Reiki MASTER Level 3, COMING SPRING of 2025